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Results 1 - 10 of about 154 for the Keyword waste
KSIDC as Nodal Agency for Waste to Energy Projects- Order issued to release fund towards service charge-Incorporation of bank account details of KSIDC - Government Order modified - Orders Issued
Views: 175 ; Last view on: 2024-09-19 4:27:25 PM

KSIDC-Waste to Energy Projects-Release of Fund-Sanction accorded-Orders issued
Views: 219 ; Last view on: 2024-09-14 12:42:20 AM

KSWMP-Constituting of Audit Committee for monitoring of project accounts and expenditure in respect of Kerala Solid Waste Management Project-Orders issued
Views: 28 ; Last view on: 2024-09-19 11:02:52 AM

KSWMP-Adoption World Bank Procurement regulations for execution of works under Kerala Solid Waste Management Project by Urban Local Bodies Relaxing the existing norms followed by State Government -Sanction accorded - orders issued
Views: 298 ; Last view on: 2024-09-16 12:26:35 AM

Mandatory allotment of Land for Waste Recovery or Recycling facilities in Special Economic Zones, Industrial parks, and Industrial Estates-Compliance with Rule 11(1)(i)of Solid Waste Management Rules 2016-Orders issued.
Views: 410 ; Last view on: 2024-09-14 2:22:55 PM

Local Self Government Department- Engaging Cogo Eco-Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd for setting up a plant for converting Municipal Solid Waste into Refused Derived Fuel (RDF) in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation as Proof of - Sanction accorded - Orders issued.
Views: 1278 ; Last view on: 2024-09-14 12:58:43 AM

Selection of Startups for the Development of Waste Management Surveillance System and Development of Route Tracking System - Work Order-Sanction Accorded- Orders issued
Views: 1144 ; Last view on: 2024-09-14 1:27:43 PM

KSWMP-Hiring Consultancy Services for Kerala Solid Waste Management Project -Evaluation Committee-Re-Constituted -Orders issued
Views: 1220 ; Last view on: 2024-09-15 11:04:01 PM

ITeS in Waste Management -Suchitwa Mission to allot fund for the procurement/development and operationalisation of apps for digitisation of Waste Management activities- Sanction accorded - Orders issued
Views: 1417 ; Last view on: 2024-09-19 02:12:51 AM

ITeS in Waste Management - Formation of Committee to assess the proposals received through the Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM)-Sanction accorded - Orders issued
Views: 871 ; Last view on: 2024-09-14 1:28:00 PM

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