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Results 1 - 10 of about 30 for the Keyword ikm
Transition of Haritha Mithram Application from Keltron to Information Kerala Mission (IKM)- Sanction accorded - Orders issued.
Views: 1140 ; Last view on: 2024-10-22 10:06:27 PM

Retaining additional charge of Project Head (IT), KSWMP to Dr. K.P. Noufal (Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, N .A .M. College) now working as Deputy Director (Research & Development), IKM - Orders issued.
Views: 378 ; Last view on: 2024-10-17 02:17:47 AM

Assigning additional charge of Project Head (IT), Kerala Solid Waste Management Project to Dr.K.P Noufal (Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, N.A.M college)now working as Deputy Director(Research and Development), IKM, Orders issued.
Views: 589 ; Last view on: 2024-10-23 4:29:52 PM

Information Kerala MissionRelieving of Sri.K.Premkumar, Scientist, ANERT from the post of Executive Director, Information Kerala Mission and entrusting Dr.Santhosh Babu, Chief Mission Director with the charge of Executive Director, IKM- Sanction accorded - Orders issued.
Views: 424 ; Last view on: 2024-10-21 04:15:28 AM

IKM-Engaging 13 personnel on contract basis through agencies-for the development of ILGMS and for taking up other externally funded projects-Orders issued
Views: 516 ; Last view on: 2024-10-22 12:57:25 AM

Usage of Cloud for Integrated Local Government Management system Software (ILGMS)-Recommendations of Technical Committee-Sanction accorded-IKM-orders issued
Views: 719 ; Last view on: 2024-10-20 12:37:08 AM

Judgment of Honorable High Court of Kerala in WP No.1125/2020 filed by IKM against the Judgment WP(C) No.31809/2015 dated 07/01/2020 - compiled with-orders issued
Views: 584 ; Last view on: 2024-10-18 11:36:07 AM

Tenure of Accountant cum IT experts deployed by IKM under KLGSDP extended
Views: 2148 ; Last view on: 2024-10-23 10:40:53 PM

LSGD- KLGSDP- Decentralization Analysis Cell (DAC) – Studies entrusted to DAC – Full co-operation from LSGIs, IKM & KILA – Instructions issued.
Views: 1873 ; Last view on: 2024-10-23 3:30:28 PM

Additional Skill Acquisition Programme(ASAP)- Integration of IKM Website with ASAP-Sanction accorded-orders Issued
Views: 1182 ; Last view on: 2024-10-23 8:03:12 PM

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