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Results 1051 - 1060 of about 1235 for the Keyword panchayat department
Local Self Government Department - Computerisation of Local Bodies - authorising Information Kerala Mission to facilitate the procurement of computer infrastructure by Local Governments - Orders issued
Views: 3216 ; Last view on: 2024-07-27 10:20:11 PM

Information Technology Department - I.T Policy 2007 - approved - Orders issued.
Views: 858 ; Last view on: 2024-07-27 3:20:20 PM

Health and Family Welfare Department –Kerala Prevention of Food Adulteration Rules 2007-Freezed-orders issued.
Views: 1310 ; Last view on: 2024-07-26 8:05:12 PM

Local Self Government Department-Revision of PWD Schedule of Rates- Implementation of new rates in LSGDs- Orders issued
Views: 1305 ; Last view on: 2024-07-26 8:05:15 PM

Information Technology Department – Implementation of Service and Payroll Administrative Repository for Kerala – Introduction of SPARK FORM No.1 during fresh appointment – Approved – Orders issued.
Views: 918 ; Last view on: 2024-07-26 8:05:18 PM

Local Self Government Department - Transfer and Posting of Employees - Guidelines/Norms - Approved - Orders issued.
Views: 7084 ; Last view on: 2024-07-26 1:24:26 PM

Kerala State Insurance Department- State Life Insurance- Revision of pay ranges and monthly premium-Orders Issued
Views: 1861 ; Last view on: 2024-07-26 8:05:21 PM

Local Self Government Department-Information Kerala Mission- Modernising Government Programme- Collection of service charges Ratified Orders issued.
Views: 1142 ; Last view on: 2024-07-26 6:36:58 PM

Local Self Government Department – Adoption of Double Entry accrual based system of accounting- Implementation of pilot project- Orders issued.
Views: 1379 ; Last view on: 2024-07-26 8:05:24 PM

Local Self Government Department - Pradhan Manthri Grama Yojana (PMGY) - Supplementary Nutrition under ICDS - Implementation of Take Home Ration Strategy in the State of Kerala - Revised Guidelines - Orders Issued.
Views: 1506 ; Last view on: 2024-07-26 1:24:30 PM

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