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Results 91 - 100 of about 387 for the Keyword Compassionate Employment Scheme
TRIDA-Annual Plan 2019-20 –Administrative sanction for the scheme Chalai Scheme Area - additional works of Commercial complex-further instructions
Views: 481 ; Last view on: 2024-09-25 7:33:12 PM

Annual Plan 2019-20 -Chalai Scheme Area – additional works of Commercial complex –administrative Sanction accorded
Views: 482 ; Last view on: 2024-09-25 7:33:19 PM

Release of fund to Suchitwa Mission for Plan Schemes for the year 2019-20
Views: 495 ; Last view on: 2024-09-25 7:33:32 PM

Town and Country Planning Department – Opening a Separate Bank Account linked with PFMS solely for operating the central grant under the scheme Formulation of LAP and TPS
Views: 608 ; Last view on: 2024-09-25 7:33:44 PM

Information Kerala Mission –Annual Plan Scheme –Computerisation of 3 tier Panchayats –Administrative sanction accorded –Orders Issued
Views: 738 ; Last view on: 2024-09-25 7:33:50 PM

Release of Rs 40,00,000, to Mission Director ,AMRUT for the implementation of the AMRUT subscheme pilot on formulation of Local Area Plan and Town Planning Scheme.
Views: 517 ; Last view on: 2024-09-25 7:33:56 PM

Release of Central Share and corresponding State Share of Financial Incentive under the Scheme PMGSY 2018-19 –Sanction accorded
Views: 282 ; Last view on: 2024-09-19 10:58:22 PM

Annual Plan 2019-20-Implementation of Accounting reforms in newly created urban local governments (New) Scheme –Administrative sanction
Views: 639 ; Last view on: 2024-09-25 7:34:08 PM

DRDA-Release of central/state share to DRDA under DRDA Administration Scheme -Sanctioned
Views: 282 ; Last view on: 2024-09-13 06:58:02 AM

Suchitwa Mission -Plan Schemes-revised administrative sanction
Views: 580 ; Last view on: 2024-09-25 7:34:40 PM

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